Friday, February 23, 2024

The Facts are documented, Angel.

Angel, the second daughter, third child of Richard Lee Barteaux, Senior, left a comment on this site some time ago, likely after Carolyn Anne Barteaux, the daughter born from my marriage to Richard Lee Barteaux, Senior, made contact with her.  

Angel is the second child of Richard Lee Barteaux's second marriage to Beverly Bardi, if they did, indeed marry.  I have not seen the marriage certificate as of yet. 

Angel's comment was, "This is all lies!!!! Im angel barteaux".

I suppose I was intended to feel intimidated of something of the kind. Not a bit.  

The documents are available, and I will simplify this for Angel by providing the links. 

Barteaux Timeline 

Marriage Certificate  - September 7, 1966 - for Mary Linda (Melinda) Pillsbury and Richard Lee Barteaux

Carolyn Anne Barteaux was born July 5, 1967 at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica.

Divorce AgreementApril 20th, 1968 - Settlement Agreement between Melinda Pillsbury Barteaux and Richard Lee Barteaux

Divorce Decree   - June 24th, 1968

I was just relieved to have no contact with Richard or his family again, as Richard's abusive behavior had started soon after his parents rented us an apartment.  It had been entirely unnerving to watch and listen to his headbanging while he wore his Nazi uniform and listened to speeches by Adolph Hitler - but being battered into senselessness several times had made me anxious to never see him, or hear from or about him, again.  

But it appears that the Barteaux's knew that paying any support or a settlement for the physical damage done to me would be costly.  Those injuries still haunt me today. 

Also, and very important, was the fact Richard, learning I was pregnant, told me if the baby was a girl he would have sex with her.  My parents, learning this, and then from our attorney, decided that all steps possible should be taken to ensure Richard had NO CONTACT with the child.  

My parents, shocked, disgusted, and revolted by the lack of simple decency displayed by Betty and Dean had also decided they wanted nothing to do with them of their son. 

So, that is my part of the story.  

But the ugly behavior on the part of your father, Richard Lee Barteaux, Senior, continued.

      September 29 - Law Suit against RLB, Senior, by the State of California, Substitution.   Dunne, Phelps, Mills, Smith & Jackson is handing the case over to Comstock & Comstock Case No. BKG 6526 926

December 9 - Married:  Richard Lee Barteaux to Belinda M. Betzing in Las Vegas.  Marriage Certificate   Belinda received a hefty settlement from the Barteaux's she told me. She was also routinely battered.

     January 6, Letter to Dean Joseph Kertes from Janet Eddy, Ph. D.,   regarding the learning disabilities of Richard Lee Barteaux, Junior.  Letter

      May 8th, Died:  Richard Lee Barteaux, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Death Certificate


And that is the truth.  Learn to live with it, Angel. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beverly, it is probably wise to go on with your life. You received enough compensation from the Barteaux's to make that possible. Neither I, or my family, asked for anything from them because Richard, among the other horrors, told me if my baby was a girl he would rape her. By then, this threat was very credible to me. I put this site up so other victims could get the facts. I am very glad you found it useful. Best, Melinda
