When these events began to unfold the behavior of psychopathic individuals, lacking conscience and empathy, were not understood to be neurological. It took 30 years for this to change. But today, we know. Experts as Dr. Robert Hare have helped us except the condition is neurological and cannot be altered.
Today, the attributes of psychopathy can be understood through the study carried out by Dr. Kent Kiehl, PhD. The study included 10,000 fMRI Scans on prisoners incarcerated as highly dangerous in various institutions and took Kiehl ten years to complete. His book on the subject is highly readable. The Psychopath Whisperer: The Science of Those Without Conscience
More information on the condition of psychopathy can be found in multiple locations on the Internet including some listed at LifeStealers.net
This reflects in the coverage of the condition, its characteristics outlined, by such entities as the FBI. The premier journal on economics in the UK, the Economist, attributes the monetary meltdowns to the high level of individuals with psychopathic characteristics in finance.
Psychopathic individuals cost us billions every year. Therefore, we must become more aware of the characteristics and be able to identify those who demonstrate them.
Richard Lee Barteaux, Senior, was never diagnosed as a psychopath; he was one of the generation which evaded being understood. But his behavior caused many of those who knew him to eventually conclude this was the case.
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, his first wife, believed, based on the documented evidence, her child by Barteaux is also a psychopath. Information on Morgan Gell is available on this website.